Ph.D. in Particle Physics
Advisor: Prof. Christophe Delaere
Dissertation title: Search for 2HDM neutral Higgs bosons through the H/A → ZA/H → l+l – b ‾ b process at LHC full run 2 proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV.
Université Catholique de Louvain, Centre for Cosmology, Particle Physics and Phenomenology (CP3), Belgium
M.Sc. in Condensed Matter Physics
Master Thesis: Modélisation des performances des structures lasers à base des chalcogénures de métaux de transition : MoS2/WSe2.
Université de Tunis El Manar, Tunisia
B.Sc. in Physics and Chemistry
Université de Tunis El Manar, Tunisia
Courses, Workshops and Conferences
- The 19th Workshop of the LHC Higgs Working Group 28-30 Nov 2022, CERN (remote).
- Georges Lemaître Chair lecture series: Tracy Slatyer on "New probes of dark matter physics in astrophysics and cosmology", 16-20 May 2022, UCLouvain (Belgium).
- 2022 Higgs workshop, 28-30 March 2022, CERN (remote)
- Third Intensive Course on Statistics for HEP. From 7 January 2022 to 18 February 2022, UCLouvain-CP3 (Belgium)
- Higgs 2021 (virtual), 18-22 October 2021.
- Taming the accuracy of event generators (Part 2), 23-27 August 2021, CERN (remote).
- CMS management training workshop (virtual), 17 June 2021.
- LHC Soft skills workshop: Interview skills for academia (virtual), 10 March 2021.
- Fast Machine Learning for Science Workshop, 30 November 2020 to 3 December 2020, Southern Methodist University US, (remote).
- CMS Monte Carlo and Physics Tools Tutorials 30 Oct 2020-30 Jun 2021, CERN (remote).
- Higgs 2020 (virtual), 26-30 Oct 2020.
- 4th Inter-experiment Machine Learning Workshop (virtual), 19-23 October 2020.
- FIPs 2020 Feebly Interacting Particles (virtual), 31 August 2020 to 4 September 2020.
- PyHEP 2020 (virtual) Workshop 13-17 July 2020.
- Higgs and Effective Field Theory - HEFT 2020 (virtual), 15-17 April 2020.
- 3rd Tracker Upgrade DAQ school, 2019, CERN.
- Physics Object School(POS), 2019, Aachen (Germany).
- Belgian Dutch German graduate school in particle physics BND 2019, SPA (Belgium).
- Statistics for High Energy Physics 24-28 June 2019 by Pietro Vischia. UCLouvain- CP3 (Belgium).
- CMS Induction Course, 2019, CERN.
- CMS Data Analysis School CMSDAS, 2019 Pisa (Italy).
- The Fourth Conference in Quantum Africa Series 30th of April to the 5th of May 2017, (Tunis).
- Physics Without Frontiers HEP course one month long taught remotely by Mario Campanelli from UCL, UK, with a series of lectures in person, (Tunis).
- The Day's Young Researchers in Physics 2016, on the occasion of the centenary of the Theory of General Relativity, (Tunis).